Regulatory Support
Consulting and support in obtaining licenses issued for the radio frequency resources usage
Discuss the taskDOLYA & CO. LTD represents interests of customers who do not provide telecommunications services, and supports them during the interaction with the radio communications regulators of Ukraine. We simplify the process of obtaining permits for our customers, support and assist with the documentations for the authorities.
Submission of proposal to the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine about introduction of amendments to the Plan of radio frequency resource of Ukraine if the technology that customer is going to use, have not yet specified in the Plan.
The set of documents required to obtain permission from the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization to operate the declared radio electronic devices includes:
- A statement describing the potential use of the radio electronic devices,
- an explanatory note,
- tactical and technical characteristics of the declared radio electronic devices,
- information on the devices' terms of production, sales, and operation,
- additional materials that authorities may need to make a decision.
Submission of application to the Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies to obtain an electromagnetic compatibility statement. It determines the arrangements and feasibility of using the declared radio electronic devices under the conditions specified in the document.
The application must be accompanied by a set of documents:
- A copy of the registration certificate of the applicant as a business entity;
- an explanatory note;
- a radio net diagram, and a map with indicated locations of radio electronic devices.
The last step is acquisition of licenses issued for the radio frequency resources usage from National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization in Ukraine. We provide copies of the registration certificate of the individual/legal entity, the electromagnetic compatibility statement and proof of payment for the conclusion of the Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies.