RigExpert TI-5000 is a device for operating phone, CW and digital modes using personal computer with USB port.
TI-5000 Possibilities and Features
Transceiver audio interface
Analog audio interface is a connection to transceiver audio output (external speaker connector or line output) and transceiver audio input (microphone connector or line input). Audio interface enables operating digital modes, as well as other useful functions (such as measuring levels of a signal from the air) by using a computer. Input (main and sub channels) and output volume levels are adjusted by potentiometers on the front panel of the device.
CAT interface for various transceiver models CAT
(Computer Aided Transceiver) system provides control of transceiver frequency, operating mode and other functions by computer software. Normally, modern transceivers have serial (with various signal levels) link providing CAT interface. A separate COM port is created for the CAT system so the computer software can communicate to the transceiver. Introduction 4RigExpert TI-5000.
PTT and CW output functions
Transceivers provide PTT (Push To Talk) and CW (Continuous Wave) keyer inputs to allow setting the transmitter on or off and operating CW using external device (PTT pedal, CW bug or paddle, terminal node controller, or personal computer). A separate COM port is created for PTT/ CW outputs.
Squelch input
Some software, such as EchoLink, requires the interface to provide a squelch input to detect if the radio channel is busy. In RigExpert TI-5000, the squelch input is assigned to the DCD line of the COM port used for PTT and CW outputs.